Welcome to Fire Marque
Fire Marque Inc. is a Canadian company licenced in all provinces and territories. Through its Intellectual Property Fire Marque is able to provide funding to the community’s fire departments.
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A successful track record for over 14 years

Fire Marque’s Expert Team has been recovering from insurers eligible costs your fire department incurs while attending property call outs.

Some Clients

Thank you from Bradford West Gwillingbury

The Story


The story starts when “Ducat” (our golden retriever) and I were teaching hearing impaired children at the Queen Elizabeth School in Calgary how to train their dogs just using their hands for sign commands.

Imagine our surprise when the students presented us with a totally deaf, six-week old Dalmatian puppy in appreciation of our volunteer efforts. It was a challenge explaining to the children that the puppy would have to be thoroughly checked out by a vet first and if the tests came back positive (except for the hearing), we would work together to train him.